Welcome to Bennetts Solicitors Attorneys & Notaries
Welcome to Bennetts
Solicitors Attorneys & Notaries
Partnership in law
Big is not necessarily beautiful as we all know. Our niche practice operates from offices in Wrington near Bristol and also Newport. We call upon experience and a reputation stretching back well over a century. We are discreet, proud of our reputation and good at what we do. We promise a personal service built on trust and a spirit of partnership with every one of our clients.
About us
What we do
In keeping with many law firms and for ease of reference we have, within this website, separated our services by reference to the work undertaken for business and private clients. However, unlike many law firms, when it comes to providing services for our clients, we prefer a different approach.
Even though we act for private clients with very substantial assets with specific business needs, and even though many other clients have no interest in business whatsoever, our clients are not placed into “business” or “private” client categories. Instead, you will receive a personal service from a partner or senior lawyer at this firm whatever your needs are. We recognise that there is very often a cross over between services required for both private and business clients, especially where those businesses are owner managed and we do not categorise our clients’ needs by reference to individual departments.
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We have been notified that unknown persons unconnected to this firm are passing themselves off as this firm and writing to third parties for what we can only assume to be criminal purposes. These unconnected third parties are using a website with a domain name of www.bennettllp.co.uk and their correspondence uses some, but not all, […]